Barnes & Barnes, fictional twin brothers Art Barnes and Artie Barnes (Bill Mumy and Robert Haimer, respectively), are a comedy rock duo based in "Lumania", a fictional mythological civilization (similar to Lemuria or Atlantis). Most of their music is standard rock or pop with heavy comedic elements. They are best known for their 1978 song "Fish Heads." Robert Haimer and Bill Mumy were childhood friends who occasionally performed together on their musical instruments. Following the ending of Mumy's role on the TV series Lost in Space, they would shoot short films with a Super 8 motion picture camera, dubbed "Art Films". The two began calling each other "Art" in joking reference to these films.
Fish Heads
And just so you don't wind up thinking Bill Mumy is a total flake, One of my favorite songs by him. This guy has talent.
"Dying To Be Heard" Bill Mumy
Who'da thunk it?
And to prove it...
15 years ago
Soooooooooo much better. I logged onto it and thought, "Wait a minute, how did I get here?" I'm not kidding about that either. Warning Will Robinson!
ReplyDeleteCrap! I meant, "Danger, Will Robinson!:
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, it was great. Second of all, you could have written sounded like you, lyrics, music, guitar, etc. Third...LOVED the instrument. Please buy one for me to hang on my wall. Has to be just like that one. Fourth, I didn't like the draggy squeek of the strings on the handle thing-y. Is that just the nature of the beast?