I just posted a pic of me back in 1977 at my graduation. it's pretty cool, as all my sibs are with me. (you gotta remember that i am still figuring this blog stuff out)
Well....I talked about past stuff last night. now i will talk about "present".
I am married again (3 years) and have been with this woman for 10 years. she is 12 years younger than I am (which some find shocking) and i couldn't picture life without her. she completes me. How did we meet?...........Glad you asked.....
On December 26th, 1994 I was coming back from a visit in NJ. I reached The port authority in NY and it all came to a standstill. After awhile, Greyhound decided to release an "overflow" bus because there were so many people traveling.(day after Christmas)
This bus was absolutely PACKED!. Just as we were about to leave the station, a man got sick on the bus and was escorted out. She was led on in his place and asssumed the last seat on the bus all the way in the back. (you know? the one that seats three near the bathroom)
I caught a glimpse of this Redhead with eyes that took my breath away and i thought to myself;
"how do i approach this?"
I sat a mulled the situation through my mind over and over again....I mean, here i was.....a guy in a 1967 Brooks black leather motorcycle jacket, short hair (not so anymore), guitar in hand. Basically a "boy" from the wrong side of the tracks...CLEARLY!
I began to "romanticise" the situation and wondered what she was about, as she looked totally lost and drowning in thought.
Well...there were two girls on the bus that were sitting across from each other, but were clearly together and speaking a foreign language. one of them was sitting in the seat next to me and at this point Shannon (my wife) was sitting alone. So here's what I did.....I politely asked the girls if they woulkd like to sit together (knowing full well they would) and asked Shannon if she would mind if i shared her seat with her for that exact reason. She let me sit next to her. We started talking and the more she talked the more i wanted to hear. seemed that she was going back to boston (actually a town in mass. called milford and that she was going to take the orange line (part of the subway system in Mass. that she shouldn't take that late at night)
I had no car or any form of transportation at the time, but told her that I would take her to her car (subway and all) and make sure she got to where she was going. I told her that "chivalry is not dead" and that not every guy had an alterior motive. so we talked some more and the subject of me being a songwriter came up. I had some music that influences me to this day with me and thought that i would share this with her. The first song (our song to this day) that she heard was "Burgundy Heart-Shaped Medallion" by David Wilcox (what a musician he is!)
anyway....I digress, as i always seem to do.
I saw this vision to her bus (after the subway) gave her my number and told her if she ever wanted to see Boston by foot, to give me a call and we could do it. again, i told her no strings attached. I left her and watched her leave and got back on the subway to go home. It was COLD!
the bus i took didn't go all the way to where i lived, so i had to walk a couple of miles to get there well after midnight. All i can say is that it was worth it. She called me on my birthday and everything came together after that. There are no words to describe the feeling that I have for her I write for her now, when I can, as I have always written dark things in the past. I have never known happiness the way I have it now. Would I go back and change anything? No. Everyday she deals with me I love her more. I used to be scared of the way i feel, but now I embrace it.My Wife. My Life. Shannon.
And to prove it...
15 years ago
Uncle hippie The Romancer..never would a thunk it